Dr. Reckeweg Platinum Metallicum(Dilution)
Common Name: Platinum, Platina.
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Platinum Metallicum
- Alternation of mental and physical symptoms: as physical symptoms disappear mental symptoms appear.
- Tendency to uncover completely in sleep is an indication for Platina.
- Loss of appetite after the first mouthful.
- Constriction in abdomen, stomach, throat and many other parts indicate Platinum Metallicum.
Mind and Head
- Objects look small or the patient thinks them small. Vertigo as if torn and pulled with threads
- Looks down on everything and everybody. Pains increase gradually. Headache commences on waking.
- Changing moods, sad and gay alternately, laughs and cries by turns.
- A fear, in the absence of her husband, that he would never return, that he would die, or be run over.
- Fear, with trembling of hands and feet and confusion of ideas.
- Vertigo on sitting down or ascending stairs. Buzzing and noise in head.
Eyes, ear, nose
- Cramp-like pain in edges of orbits. Painless twitchings round they eye.
- Roaring, whizzing, and ringing in ears. Shocks in ears.
- Dry coryza, often semi-lateral, numbness in nose and at root of nose.
Mouth and Throat
- Sensation of coldness, with tingling and sensation of numbness throughout.
- Pulsative digging in jaws, especially in evening. Sensation of coldness, especially in mouth.
- Smarting and lancinating vesicles on lips, fissures in gums.
- Cramp-like drawing in throat, like a constrictions. Lips dry and cracked.
Stomach and abdomen
- Pinchings in umbilical region. Flatulent soreness, pressure or shocks, or else throbbing, shootings, and pinching
- Pressing and bearing down in abdomen extending into pelvis.
- Shootings in the side of abdomen and in umbilical region is relieved with Platinum.
Stool and Anus
- The stool adhere to the rectum and anus like putty, or they may be hard as if burnt,constipation comes on while travelling.
- Weak and exhausted feeling for two hours after stool, Sticky stools like soft clay.
- Frequent itching, tingling, and tenesmus in anus, frequent itching, tingling, and tenesmus in anus.
- Tenia and ascarides are discharged from rectum during evacuation and at other times.
Urinary complaints
- Slow but frequent emission of urine
Male complaints
- It is useful in the effects of masturbation. Coition of too short duration, with but little enjoyment.
- Premature and excessive development of sexual instinct and organs.
Female complaints
- Menstrual flow was copious, black, clotted. During menses uterine spasms, convulsions.
- So sensitive genitals that the usual napkin is intolerable. Menstruation, when the discharge is very abundant, thick and black like tar.
- Painful sensitiveness and constant pressure
Neck and Back
- Back and small of back as if broken. Rigidity of nape of neck.
- Pains in back and small of back as if broken, after a walk worse bending backwards.
- Sensation of numbness in coccyx.
- Pains go from right to left. Tingling restlessness, sensation of weakness and trembling in limbs.
- Aching and spasmodic pain in forearms, hands, and fingers, especially when grasping anything firmly.
- Numbness of fingers, ulcers on fingers. Sensation of stiffness in forearms.
- Tingling restlessness, sensation of weakness and trembling in limbs.
- Ulcers (on fingers and toes).
- Cramps, cramping pains and spasms, developing into convulsions. Crawling, tingling, numb sensations.
- Numbness and tingling in the parts affected. Spasms alternate between convulsive actions, with dyspnoea.
- Worse During menses. Worse Rest, sitting, standing, bending backward.
- Trembling of right thumb, with numbness.
Side effects of Dr. Reckeweg Platinum Metallicum
- There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.
- It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc.
- Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.
Dosage and rules while takingDr. Reckeweg Platinum Metallicum
- Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.
- You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
- We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.
Precautions while taking Dr. Reckeweg Platinum Metallicum
- Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.
- If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use.
- Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication
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